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Question: What should I look for during the final walk-through?
Answer: First, congratulations! You’re close to becoming a homeowner, and this is one of the last steps before closing.
During the final walk-through, be sure to bring something to take notes on and possibly a camera. You’ll be able to document everything and recall it more easily at a later time. It will likely be the first opportunity to examine the house without furniture and will give you a clear view of everything, especially floors or walls that may have been obstructed earlier. Be sure to check walls and ceilings carefully, as well as any work the seller had previously agreed to do in response to the inspection. If you discover any problems that have gone uncorrected, work with your real estate agent to have them addressed prior to closing, as it is the seller’s responsibility to fix them.
Tags: ask an agent, Final Walk-through, home advice, home buying advice, real estate advice, shorewest, tips and advice, walk-through
Categories: Home Buying
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